# FAQ & Troubleshooting

# Issues caused by incorrect configuration.

# Issue: [ERROR] Problem with fetching CMS data: Path `` could no be resolved.

  • Make sure you have followed the instructions in our Cheatsheet, especially Shopware setup.*
  • Ensure you have configured shopware-pwa application by setting the right values described in this step. It's crucial to have the right shopwareAccessToken in the shopware-pwa.config.js file.
    It should be taken from storefront Sales Channel type - NOT a headless one.

# Issue: [ERROR] Problem with fetch <ENTITY_NAME> data: No Matching sales channel found.

  • There is no Sales Channel related to the shopwareAccessToken you have set in your shopware-pwa.config.js file.
  • Either shopwareEndpoint or shopwareAccessToken does not match.
  • Use the appropriate endpoint and access token (from Shopware admin panel) and follow steps described here ("Running Shopware PWA on custom Shopware instance" chapter).

# Issue: There are no products in the product listing. *

  • In your Shopware platform: Assign the categories and the products to the right Sales Channel, related to the shopwareAccessToken you have set in shopware-pwa.config.js.

  • It might be, that your local PWA version is out of date. Try to use the npx @shopware-pwa/cli command instead to have always latest version of the package or try updating it using npm -g install @shopware-pwa/cli@canary --force and re-run shopware-pwa init selecting the canary version, if you're unsure about the correct version to use.

* - if you are using your self-hosted Shopware instance

# Question: How can I override theme component?

You can override theme component easily by typing yarn shopware-pwa override and picking component to override.


Please remember, that overriding component means you no longer use theme component so you'll have no updates for overrided components. If you feel that you need to override couple of components to accomplish some effect maybe we can help you upgrading theme to allow you to override just one component to have this. Feel free to ask your questions on slack or create an issue for that.

Here's how overriding component looks like: overriding theme components

# Issue: Console warning - Trying to access Application context without Vue instance context.

Example: composables context security warning It means that somewhere you have useAddToCart invocation without passing root. Find that in your code and add context.

See: Context-awareness section. It's explained in details.

# Issue: Console warning - [shopware-6-api] After calling API method XXXXXX there is no "onConfigChange" listener.

You should check all your imports for @shopware-pwa/shopware-6-client and add apiInstance as the last parameter.

See: Context-awareness section. It's explained in details.