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# shopware-6-client package

# Functions

Function Description
addCartItemQuantity(itemId, quantity, contextInstance) (BETA) Increases the current quantity in specific cart line item by given quantity.Example: If current quantity is 3 and you pass 2 as quantity parameter, you will get a new cart's state with quantity 5.
addProductReview(productId, productReviewData, contextInstance) (BETA) Add a review to specific product by its ID
addProductToCart(productId, quantity, contextInstance) (BETA) Adds specific quantity of the product to the cart by productId. It creates a new cart line item.Warning: This method does not change the state of the cart in any way if productId already exists in a cart. For changing the quantity use addQuantityToCartLineItem() or changeCartLineItemQuantity() methods.
addPromotionCode(promotionCode, contextInstance) (BETA) Adds new promotion code to the cart by its code.Promotion code is being added as separate cart item line.
changeCartItemQuantity(itemId, newQuantity, contextInstance) (BETA) Changes the current quantity in specific cart line item to given quantity.Example: If current quantity is 3 and you pass 2 as quantity parameter, you will get a new cart's state with quantity 2.
clearCart(contextInstance) (BETA) When no sw-context-token given then this method return an empty cart with the new sw-context-token.When sw-context-token given then this method simply returns the current state of the cart.As the purpose of this method is not clear we recommend to use getCart method because its behaviour seems to be the same.
createCustomerAddress(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Create an address and respond the new address's id
createGuestOrder(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Creates an order for not logged in users Should be used when the user is logged out, but has items in the cart
createInstance(initialConfig) (BETA)
createOrder(contextInstance) (BETA) Creates an order for logged in users
deleteCustomerAddress(addressId, contextInstance) (BETA) Delete's the customer's address by id
getAvailableCountries(contextInstance) (BETA) Get all available countries
getAvailableCurrencies(contextInstance) (BETA)
getAvailableLanguages(contextInstance) (BETA)
getAvailablePaymentMethods(contextInstance) (BETA)
getAvailableSalutations(contextInstance) (BETA) Get all available salutations
getAvailableShippingMethods(contextInstance) (BETA)
getCart(contextInstance) (BETA) Gets the current cart for the sw-context-token.
getCmsPage(path, criteria, contextInstance) (BETA)
getCustomer(contextInstance) (BETA) Get customer's object
getCustomerAddress(addressId, contextInstance) (BETA) Get the customer's address by id
getCustomerAddresses(contextInstance) (BETA) Get all customer's addresses
getCustomerOrderDetails(orderId, contextInstance, additionalQueryParams) (BETA) Get order details
getCustomerOrders(contextInstance) (BETA) Get all customer's orders
getOrderPaymentUrl({ orderId, finishUrl, }, contextInstance) (BETA) Get payment address to redirect user after placing order.
getPage(path, searchCriteria, contextInstance) (BETA)
getPaymentMethodDetails(paymentId, contextInstance) (BETA)
getProduct(productId, params, contextInstance) (BETA) Get the product with passed productId
getProductPage(path, searchCriteria, contextInstance) (BETA)
getResults(term, searchCriteria, contextInstance) (BETA)
getSearchResults(term, searchCriteria, contextInstance) (BETA)
getSeoUrls(entityId, languageId, contextInstance) (BETA) Returns an array of SEO URLs for given entity Can be used for other languages as well by providing the languageId
getSessionContext(contextInstance) (BETA) Loads session context, containing all session-related data.
getShippingMethodDetails(shippingId, contextInstance) (BETA)
getStoreNavigation({ requestActiveId, requestRootId, depth, buildTree, searchCriteria, }, contextInstance) (BETA)
getStoreOrderPaymentUrl(orderId, contextInstance) (BETA)
getUserCountry(countryId, contextInstance) (BETA)
getUserSalutation(salutationId, contextInstance) (BETA)
invokeGet({ address }, contextInstance) (BETA) Invoke custom GET request to shopware API. Mostly for plugins usage. You can skip domain and pass only endpoint ex. /api/my/endpoint
invokePost({ address, payload, }, contextInstance) (BETA) Invoke custom POST request to shopware API. Mostly for plugins usage. You can skip domain and pass only endpoint ex. /api/my/endpoint
login({ username, password }, contextInstance) (BETA) Login user to shopware instance.
logout(contextInstance) (BETA) End up the user session.
newsletterSubscribe(params, contextInstance) (BETA)
newsletterUnsubscribe({ email, }, contextInstance) (BETA)
register(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Register a customer
removeCartItem(itemId, contextInstance) (BETA) Deletes the cart line item by id.This method may be used for deleting "product" type item lines as well as "promotion" type item lines.
resetPassword(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Reset a customer's password
searchProducts(criteria, contextInstance) (BETA) Search for products based on criteria. From: Shopware 6.4
searchSuggestedProducts(criteria, contextInstance) (BETA) Search for suggested products based on criteria. From: Shopware 6.4
sendContactForm(params, contextInstance) (BETA)
setCurrentBillingAddress(billingAddressId, contextInstance) (BETA) Set the current session's billing address to correspoding to id
setCurrentCurrency(newCurrencyID, contextInstance) (BETA)
setCurrentLanguage(newLanguageId, contextInstance) (BETA)
setCurrentPaymentMethod(newPaymentMethodId, contextInstance) (BETA)
setCurrentShippingAddress(shippingAddressId, contextInstance) (BETA) Set the current session's shipping address to correspoding to id
setCurrentShippingMethod(newShippingMethodId, contextInstance) (BETA)
setDefaultCustomerBillingAddress(addressId, contextInstance) (BETA) Set address as default
setDefaultCustomerShippingAddress(addressId, contextInstance) (BETA) Set address as default
updateEmail(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Update a customer's email
updatePassword(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Update a customer's password
updateProfile(params, contextInstance) (BETA) Update a customer's profile data

# Interfaces

Interface Description
ClientSettings (BETA)
ConfigChangedArgs (BETA)
ContactFormData (BETA)
CustomerRegisterResponse (BETA)
CustomerResetPasswordParam (BETA)
CustomerUpdateEmailParam (BETA)
CustomerUpdatePasswordParam (BETA)
CustomerUpdateProfileParam (BETA)
GetStoreNavigationParams (BETA) More about the navigation parameters: https://docs.shopware.com/en/shopware-platform-dev-en/store-api-guide/navigation?category=shopware-platform-dev-en/store-api-guide
NewsletterSubscribeData (BETA)
ShopwareApiInstance (BETA)

# Variables

Variable Description
config (BETA)
getCategoryDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getCategoryEndpoint (BETA)
getCategoryProducts (BETA) Get default amount of products and listing configuration for given category
getCategoryProductsListing (BETA) Get default amount of products and listing configuration for given category
getCheckoutCartEndpoint (BETA)
getCheckoutCartLineItemEndpoint (BETA)
getCheckoutGuestOrderDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getCheckoutGuestOrderEndpoint (BETA)
getCheckoutOrderEndpoint (BETA)
getCheckoutOrderPayEndpoint (BETA)
getCheckoutPromotionCodeEndpoint (BETA)
getContactFormEndpoint (BETA)
getContextCountryEndpoint (BETA)
getContextCountryItemEndpoint (BETA)
getContextCurrencyEndpoint (BETA)
getContextEndpoint (BETA)
getContextLanguageEndpoint (BETA)
getContextPaymentMethodDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getContextPaymentMethodEndpoint (BETA)
getContextSalutationEndpoint (BETA)
getContextSalutationItemEndpoint (BETA)
getContextShippingMethodDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getContextShippingMethodEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerAddressDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerAddressEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerAddressSetDefaultBillingEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerAddressSetDefaultShippingEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerDefaultBillingAddressEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerDefaultShippingAddressEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerDetailsUpdateEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerLoginEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerLogoutEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerOrderDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerOrderEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerRegisterEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerResetPasswordEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerUpdateEmailEndpoint (BETA)
getCustomerUpdatePasswordEndpoint (BETA)
getNavigationEndpoint (BETA)
getNewsletterSubscribeEndpoint (BETA)
getNewsletterUnsubscribeEndpoint (BETA)
getOrderPaymentUrlEndpoint (BETA)
getPageResolverEndpoint (BETA)
getProductDetailsEndpoint (BETA)
getProductEndpoint (BETA)
getProductListingEndpoint (BETA)
getProducts (BETA) Get default amount of products
getProductsIdsEndpoint (BETA)
getSearchEndpoint (BETA)
getStoreNavigationEndpoint (BETA)
getStoreNewsletterConfirmEndpoint (BETA)
getStoreNewsletterSubscribeEndpoint (BETA)
getStoreNewsletterUnsubscribeEndpoint (BETA)
getStoreOrderPaymentUrlEndpoint (BETA)
getSuggestSearchEndpoint (BETA)
onConfigChange (BETA)
setup (BETA) Setup configuration. Merge default values with provided in param. This method will override existing config. For config update invoke **update** method.
update (BETA) Update current configuration. This will change only provided values.